Phone Sexting – Top 8 Reasons You Should Give It A Try


Phone Sexting

What is Sexting?

It's all the new rage, like a brand-new social media app. Just kidding. Sext chat has been around since humans learned to write symbols. Whether it is in hand-written letters, emails, SMS texts, Snapchats, or any other form of non-face-to-face communication, sexting is the simple task of taking a chat and making it hot and extra saucy.

Sexting involves many words but also can involve memes, images, photos, short videos, or even quick audio messages. The point is to create an atmosphere that is sexual and steamy, not just hard and forced.

Is Sexting Okay?

Absolutely, phone sexting is a great activity for a couple to experience and play together. The main issue, however, is that the act must be mutually acceptable. All of these sexualized experiences must be wanted and with consent. No one likes an unsolicited private pick.

The Kinsey Institute recently reviewed a series of surveys on sexual activities. Of the respondents 67% had sexted. Japan was the least likely to have sexted at 34%, and the United States and South Africa are most likely to have sexted at 74% and 77%. The more sexual countries of France and Italy were in the middle at 54%. And finally, people ages 18 – 34 are most likely to text by far.

Why Should I Try Sexting?

There are a bunch of reasons for trying sexting out. Besides it being completely free of STDs and unplanned pregnancies, sexting is a great experience between consenting adults. Here are the top eight reasons why you should give sexting a try.

1. Keep the Spark Alive Over Distance

If you can't always be together, you still need a way to connect. Calling and chatting is great, but if you need something more personal, sexting can bridge the gap between the superficial conversation and personal pressure need to satisfy your carnal urges. No matter where the two of you are, you can always connect via a feeling and an emotion. Sexting strikes those nerves and can make your partner smile, even when work is draining.

2. Access Your Inner Desires

Maybe you have a thought about what you want to explore but you are unsure about it. That is totally fine and normal. However, instead of jumping into the activity you could easily play out the experience via sexting to see what the potentials are and what the feelings are about the experience.

3. Explore Your Different Boundaries

You may know how far you want to go with a certain person or activity. But do you? Maybe you don't really know? If you ever wonder what it is like to really push your sexual envelop, you can start by playing out the scenario via sexting. Why not explore in words before you explore in person? If something doesn't play out the way you want it to, you can learn something about your boundaries. It can confirm your thoughts, or it could let you know that you might be okay with exploring a little bit more.

4. Grow Your Physical Attraction

Regardless of the reason for the sexting, it is a great way to connect with your partner. You get to explore not only your own desires but to have that experience with your partner. This means that you don't live the experience alone, you can feel the emotional and mental reactions of your partner. This means that you can learn more about them and can have a deeper connection. The more you have these sexting experiences, the more you might be turned on and start needing that skin to skin touch.

5. Lower Your Inhibitions and Ease Stress

It's hard to break the tension sometimes. How do you break the ice? Or chill out after a stressful day? Sexting is fun. It puts a smile on your face. Because it can be limited to words and images, it can start and stop with the click of a button. You can take it anywhere you want and leave it anywhere you want. Make the experience what you need it to be.

6. Get Ideas About the Real Bedroom

You never really know what will come of a sexting experience. It could be a fantasy or a more potential reality. The joy of the unknown makes it a new possibility each time. You can't predict when inspiration will strike. An unusually sexting experience may leave you with the best idea for the bedroom. Those moments are the best times to use the sexting stories for bedroom play.

7. Find Out About What Turns You On

None of us can really know what all the possible turn-ons we have unless with explore the universe of sexual potential. Sexting may help you realize that you really like to role play as two aliens exploring a foreign land. Or it could make you realize that you love the idea of incorporating food into the night's activities. Exchanging dirty text with your partners lets you make up scenarios that you might not have otherwise thought of or even considered.

8. Have Massive Amounts of Fun

At the end of the day, sexting is just pure fun. You can have just the experience that you want in a safe environment with someone you trust. There is an easy out and an easy way to keep everything safe. Think back through all of the benefits. Through this single sexting experience, you can learn more about your partner, grow more sexually attracted, learn more about what you want and can handle, explore potential desires, and discover new ideas for the bedroom.

All of this takes place in the safety of your messages, no chances of STDs or unplanned pregnancies. You don't even have to stay within the bounds of reality. You can explore the sexual history of the world and the sexual future of society. The entry level to the sexting experience isn't that hard. It only takes a few comments and a willingness to enjoy yourself in the moment. So, next time you are getting bored or are looking for something new, text your partner something saucy and see what is thrown back.

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